SimplySign signatures for customers to enter into lease
Implementation of Asseco's trust services in Santander Leasing
Leasing leader in Poland
Santander Leasing is a company with more than 20 years of experience, a leader in financing vehicles, machinery and equipment. It offers services to small and medium-sized business and corporate clients. It has 700 employees, and the value of financed fixed assets exceeds PLN 11 billion. The number of Santander Leasing's clients already reaches nearly 73,000, and the company signs about 35,000 leasing contracts every year.

Digitisation of lease signing
Santander Leasing is committed to the high quality of its offer andaims to give its clients the greatest possible access to services that they can complete digitally and independently in the eBOK24 portal. Therefore, one of the company's priorities has become the digitisation and simplification of the process of signing lease contracts for entrepreneurs. To achieve this, the company decided to include the issuance of qualified electronic signatures to clients. It entrusted the execution of this task to Asseco Data Systems, a leader in trust services in Poland.

Implementation and integration of Asseco's trust services
The project, which stood out for the scale of the undertaking in terms of technology and operations, involved the implementation of Asseco Data Systems' trust services:
- SimplySignqualified electronic signature, along witha qualified timestampfor signing contracts on the eBOK portal,
- qualified electronic seal to automatically seal contracts,
- RA API to automate the e-signature application process,
- trust service gateways to maintain the confidentiality of the signed document and create the correct signature format as required by standards and laws
The project also assumed their integration with Santander Leasing's key business systems responsible for sales support, customer service and document circulation. Asseco was also responsible for building a cloud repository of documents, which was necessary to create a fully digital process of signing lease agreements. All work was carried out in an agile methodology. The project was completed in 12 months and ended in September 2021.
In order for leasing consultants to be able to issue SimplySign qualified electronic signatures to clients, they had to become authorised as a business operator of an Identity Confirmation Point (PPT). For this purpose, online training courses were conducted at the Asseco Academy. As a result, 279 people from Santander Leasing were authorised in three months, enabling the lessor's advisors to issue 334 qualified e-signatures.
What is the current process for signing lease contracts?
Before a customer signs a lease, he or she submits an electronic application for SimplySign, and his or her identity can be confirmed in two ways:
- By an advisor – PPT operator during a one-time personal meeting,
- using electronic identification (eID Santander), which allows automatic verification of the client's identity through a personal bank account with Santander Bank Polska. As a result, a physical meeting with an advisor is not necessary.
After receiving the certificate and activating the SimplySign service, the client signs leasing documents with a qualified electronic signature in the eBOK24 portal.
Digital and remote lease signing with the help of SimplySign
- Signing contracts at a time and place convenient for clients
- Increased efficiency of leasing consultants
- Guarantee of security of processed data and documents
- Remote handling and processing of leasing contracts
- Reduced service time and significantly improved service quality.
- Digitisation of document workflow and reduced paper handling costs
- Maintained key processes during pandemic period
- Increased number of digital services on the eBOK24 portal
- Implementation of the paperless strategy and care for the environment

- Integration of Santander Leasing systems with Asseco services.
- Launching a full electronic lease agreement signing process.
- Training of Santander Leasing employees at Asseco Academy.
- Grant of ICP operator privileges.
- Issuing e-signatures to leasing consultants.
- 3 Santander Leasing business systems included in the project
- 4 Asseco products used in the implementation
- 279 Santander Leasing employees certified as PPT operators
- 334 SimplySign qualified signatures received by leasing consultants
- 700 people employed by Santander Leasing
- 69k users with access to Santander Leasing's eBOK24 portal.
'At Santander Leasing, we have always offered modern solutions to our clients, and the high quality of these services and cooperation based on trust are also important to us. That's why one of our priorities was to digitise and simplify the lease signing process. Especially today, in the era of pandemics, such solutions are extremely important. We take care of the safety of our employees and clients, keep direct contact to a minimum, but at the same time we realise that the current situation cannot stop business. Our clients are constantly growing, and thanks to the digitisation of leasing processes we can facilitate this for them.'
– Mariusz Wlodarczyk, Managing Director, Santander Leasing.
'In the first half of 2020, we used Asseco Data Systems' services en masse in the process of deferring customer repayments related to the lockdown triggered by COVID-19. This confirmed to us that it is a trustworthy partner providing qualified services at the highest level. That's why we chose it for our next project. At the first stage of discussions, Asseco's experts were very flexible to our ideas and expectations. Throughout the project, we could count on the reliable support of the project manager from Asseco and quick elimination of any possible obstacles.'
– Magdalena Reimann, Director of Digital Service Development, Santander Leasing.
'The project for Santander Leasing is distinguished by the fact that it is a comprehensive solution integrated with the leasing company's operational systems to issue a qualified certificate and sign the lease contract in an electronic process. Now a single meeting between an employee and a customer is sufficient. The qualified signature activation process itself takes place on the clietn's device, i.e. smartphone, tablet or laptop. Qualified trust services are provided in accordance with the requirements of the eIDAS Regulation, and a qualified electronic signature is equivalent in legal effect to a handwritten signature, which is particularly important for a lease contract. According to the regulations, a written form is required for its conclusion under pain of nullity.'
– Artur Miękina, Key Projects Sales Director, Asseco Data Systems.