Recruitment for campaigns:

Summer / Winter in the city

Electronic Enrollment System for campaigns: summer/winter in the city

The Comprehensive Enrollment System for the Summer/Winter in the City program supports the implementation of children's ecruitment to educational facilities. Activities for children are organised by the city in primary schools, after-school educational facilities and specialised points. The system allows the preparation of a separate offer and search engine for primary school and specialised points. The system ensures full security of collected and transmitted information. Each user operates the program using an individual account.

The system supporting the process of recruitment to holiday educational facilities consists of two parts: internal, aimed at: action coordinators from schools, non-school facilities, specialised points, city coordinators who are organisers of the action, and public addressed to candidates and parents.

The tool is equipped with functionalities for day-to-day work during the campaign, including allowing the creation of groups, checking attendance, generating waybills, verifying payments and preparing reports on the progress of the campaign.

The system for summer/winter registration in the city is configured in areas:

  • class schedule,
  • system messages,
  • additional fields for offers for facilities and separate ones for specialised points,
  • editable elements of forms and prints,
  • rules for recruitment of children to special schools,
  • reports and surveys.

Recruit effectively with the Comprehensive Enrollment System for summer/winter campaign in the city

Find out why you should choose a holiday education enrollment system from Asseco.

With our Summer/Winter in the City enrollment platform, you can support city coordinators in their ongoing work during the campaign, carry out the recruitment process completely electronically, publish clear rules for the recruitment process in one place, create a flexible offer tailored to the needs of the facilities. You are able to send messages to parents regarding qualification for the campaign and information about their child's admission. You can also make use of ready-made documentation templates (card: qualification, transportation) and user manuals. You enable the signing of applications with the Trusted Profile, thanks to integration with

Learn about the functionalities of the recruitment platform forsummer/winter campaign in the city from Asseco


Features for parents

  • Presentation of terms, regulations, as well as the offer of schools and specialised points in one place.
  • Electronic registration of the qualification card (downloading the card only after qualification).
  • Access to the entered data at any stage of registration.


Features for local governments

  • Verification of offers, deadlines and control of the limit of places in schools/facilities and specialised points.
  • Changing seat limits according to the number of people willing to participate, which allows to plan the expenses.
  • Verification of generated transport cards.
  • Access to reports and statements presenting stock data.
  • Communication with facilities and parents through the system.
  • Publishing information for parents on the public website.


Features for the schools

  • Preparation of a recruitment offer.
  • Ongoing verification of registered qualification cards.
  • Qualification of children with special educational needs in special schools.
  • Access the list of qualified persons.
  • Creating statements with data to facilitate enrollment of children in groups.
  • Creating groups for classes and assigning tutors.
  • Checking attendance at classes in groups.
  • Generating waybills.
  • Entering information about fees and refunds.
  • Creating a campaign report.

Want to implement a recruitment system for summer/winter campaign in the city?

Contact us

Learn about the stages of recruitment for summer/winter in the city

See how Asseco's system supports recruitment to holiday educational facilities.

  1. Tworzenie wariantów oferty w zależności od typu placówki. 
  2. Rejestracja karty kwalifikacyjnej do zapisu na akcję lato/zima w mieście. 
  3. Weryfikacja kart kwalifikacyjnych przez koordynatorów akcji w szkole/placówce. 
  4. Weryfikacja liczby miejsc przez koordynatorów miejskich na podstawie raportów. 
  5. Kwalifikacja dzieci z orzeczeniem w szkołach specjalnych. 
  6. Automatyczny przydział kandydatów na podstawie przyjętych kryteriów oraz zasad. 
  7. Publikowanie listy dzieci zakwalifikowanych na akcję. 
  8. Pobieranie z systemu kart kwalifikacyjnych oraz potwierdzenie opłat. 
  9. Publikowanie listy przyjętych dzieci na akcję lato/zima w mieście. 
  10. Rekrutacja na wolne miejsca w trakcie trwania akcji lato/zima. 
  11. Obsługa bieżącej pracy w systemie po rozpoczęciu akcji, np. sprawdzanie frekwencji, itp. 
  12. Przygotowywanie sprawozdań po zakończeniu akcji przez koordynatorów szkół/placówek.

If you are interested in implementing our system - contact us!

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